Monday, August 22, 2011

Because I haven't Added Anything for a While...

I'd like to apologize for now posting any new artwork for a while. Started a new job back in June and between that and sleep I've been rather "meh".

However, I am slowly getting back into the artwork. Case in point, I am posting for your viewing pleasure a work in progress!

Initially I was working on a colored piece of someone's lineart on DeviantArt. I decided to work on the piece in Illustrator because I like working with vector art for some wierd reason right now. Anyway....the lineart can be seen HERE.

And now for the WIP....
Colour Contest WIP

Now, I am planning on work on some more stuff...mostly just fanart so I don't know if I'll put it up on here to show off or just start up a second blog for just fanart (or just keep my fanart on DeviantArt...). Either way, I am slowly getting back into the art-making...I've missed it...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Illustration -5-03-11

It's been a while since I've posted a new piece...

Sun and Clouds

I originally had this created for a little colour challenge I'm planning on doing as a series, however, after making this, I felt it would be better used as a stand alone black and white, or even used for a coloring book (if I ever went ahead and made one).

Originally came up with the idea while just doodling in Photoshop and listening to "Anthem of the Angels" by Breaking Benjamin.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Assorted Illustrations 04-01-11

below are an assortment of illustrations that I happened to find on my computer. With the exception of "Geisha" and "Tears of the Rising Sun", these illustrations were created over the last three years. I'm sure I have more somewhere, but these are the ones that I could find that weren't fan art.

Geisha. created 03-14-11. originally based off a sketch I did back in '07. created using Adobe Illustrator.

Ork. created back in '08.  created using Corel Painter. original sketch was done by Kurt Metz and loosely based off my brother.

Solace. created using Adobe Photoshop and based off a photograph found on

Paladin. original idea was to create a sketch of my paladin from World of Warcraft. Once I started working on this, however, the idea went out the window with the end result being a generic paladin. created using Adobe Photoshop.

Tears of the Sun
Tears of the Sun. created 03-13-11. using Adobe Illustrator, I created this piece while watching news feeds on both CNN and the BBC the weekend of the Japan earthquake and tsunami. This piece is expressive of how that tiny--geographically--nation feels.

Samurai. illustration/concept post a confrontation between the samurai in the foreground and the silhouetted figure in the background. created on sketch paper using 0.7 mechanical pencil and micron pens.

Gothic Lolita
Gothic Lolita. created on sketch paper and used for an idea of a CD cover for a "greatest hits" album for the Japanese group Ali Project.

3D collection - 04-01-11

below is an assortment of 3D models I've either remember I had on my computer collecting dust, or I created recently.

Pocket Watch
a pocket watch. poly count = 5948
(no, it does not open)

Captain's Chair
the Captain's Chair. poly count = 554

Golf Bag Lamp
Golf Bag Lamp. posted in a previous post without textures. Simple textures added to this model with a light on the texture of the lampshade. poly count = 634

Pipe Staff with Lantern
Pipe Staff with Lantern. can't remember whether this was posted or not already, so I'm posting again. poly count = 3125

expect more models, forthcoming. I'm working on a character model or two, as well as some buildings.

Monday, February 7, 2011


One of the three Gorgons of Greek Mythology, Medusa, with her hair of snakes, could turn the living into stone with but a glance. Perseus, mortal son of Zeus, slew her by gazing upon her reflection in his shield.


 a sketch I did for a competition on IndianaUploaded.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Models for Class Project

been working on some assets for the environment in my Animation Production Team class. thought I'd share two interesting items so far...even if they (is that even a word?)

they are not textured or lit, just models....and yeah, they're in black space but meh.

Golf Ball Alarm Clock
pay no mind the blank square thing. I'm hoping when the team takes it into post--after textures and whatnot--someone will put the glowing clock numbers in there...

Caddy Lamp
if you're a golf fanatic, then this lamp is for you!

working on more, but they're assorted household stuff--ceiling and floor lamps, a nightstand, house plants (really detest modeling plants), etc.--if they turn out well enough i may--after the class is finished--texture and light them myself a) for practice and b) I want to see my alarm clock and lamp in all their badass glory!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ocean Gypsy - so far

not the title I was originally intending but it works nonetheless. Anyway, here is a piece I was working on originally for a contest on DeviantArt that I procrastinated on and didn't have finished in time. It's only at the 90% completed phase but I wanted to show it off.

this is my first official vector art piece. I wanted to challenge myself and see what I could do in Illustrator. So, I scanned in the sketch I did on watercolor paper--because I was planning on painting it traditionally using gouache paint.

Ocean Gypsy Sketch

after scanning the image in, I imported it into Adobe Illustrator and went to town using layers and the pen tool. Once I had the base colors down, I started working with gradients to try and blend shades and colors for a smoother transition--in the case of hair to water.

Ocean Gypsy @ 90% completion

 At this stage, I still need to add depth to the water and sea foam, as well as the spray from the foam.

Overall, I think for my first actual attempt at vector art, I've done rather well. (note: this is excluding the projects that I did a few years ago for my Illustrator class)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the First of Many Things to Come

Well, I was planning on making an art/design blog for a while now and finally decided to break down and create one. The main reason for creating one is that a) a new year means new goals and b) while I may not always finish some of the personal projects I've started, at least I can show some of them off on here and receive feedback!

What will I be posting on here? Well, it's simple really. I'll be showing off some works in progress, as well as concepts and/or general ideas for the eight million projects and ideas that I have floating around in my head. I will also be putting up completed--or at the very least 75% completed--works for feedback. This will help tremendously, especially since I tend of get frustrated when I hit a snag on a project.

The different types of projects that I will show range anywhere from concept art to illustrations to 3D models and sculptures. Basically, whatever I feel like showing off that may eventually end up in my portfolio. (though the main reason for the blog that I just remembered is to show off 3D models that I'm currently working on and/or planning to work on)

Well, that about covers it. Not bad for a first post. Oh, the banner on the top of the blog...yeah, I made that. The general theme for the little cogs are based off the business cards I had a friend make for me...especially since they are an ongoing theme from here on out.