Monday, August 22, 2011

Because I haven't Added Anything for a While...

I'd like to apologize for now posting any new artwork for a while. Started a new job back in June and between that and sleep I've been rather "meh".

However, I am slowly getting back into the artwork. Case in point, I am posting for your viewing pleasure a work in progress!

Initially I was working on a colored piece of someone's lineart on DeviantArt. I decided to work on the piece in Illustrator because I like working with vector art for some wierd reason right now. Anyway....the lineart can be seen HERE.

And now for the WIP....
Colour Contest WIP

Now, I am planning on work on some more stuff...mostly just fanart so I don't know if I'll put it up on here to show off or just start up a second blog for just fanart (or just keep my fanart on DeviantArt...). Either way, I am slowly getting back into the art-making...I've missed it...

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