Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the First of Many Things to Come

Well, I was planning on making an art/design blog for a while now and finally decided to break down and create one. The main reason for creating one is that a) a new year means new goals and b) while I may not always finish some of the personal projects I've started, at least I can show some of them off on here and receive feedback!

What will I be posting on here? Well, it's simple really. I'll be showing off some works in progress, as well as concepts and/or general ideas for the eight million projects and ideas that I have floating around in my head. I will also be putting up completed--or at the very least 75% completed--works for feedback. This will help tremendously, especially since I tend of get frustrated when I hit a snag on a project.

The different types of projects that I will show range anywhere from concept art to illustrations to 3D models and sculptures. Basically, whatever I feel like showing off that may eventually end up in my portfolio. (though the main reason for the blog that I just remembered is to show off 3D models that I'm currently working on and/or planning to work on)

Well, that about covers it. Not bad for a first post. Oh, the banner on the top of the blog...yeah, I made that. The general theme for the little cogs are based off the business cards I had a friend make for me...especially since they are an ongoing theme from here on out.