Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Models for Class Project

been working on some assets for the environment in my Animation Production Team class. thought I'd share two interesting items so far...even if they are....um.....golfy? (is that even a word?)

they are not textured or lit, just models....and yeah, they're in black space but meh.

Golf Ball Alarm Clock
pay no mind the blank square thing. I'm hoping when the team takes it into post--after textures and whatnot--someone will put the glowing clock numbers in there...

Caddy Lamp
if you're a golf fanatic, then this lamp is for you!

working on more, but they're assorted household stuff--ceiling and floor lamps, a nightstand, house plants (really detest modeling plants), etc.--if they turn out well enough i may--after the class is finished--texture and light them myself a) for practice and b) I want to see my alarm clock and lamp in all their badass glory!

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